Kehadiran dan doa restu Anda merupakan anugerah terindah bagi kami. Namun, apabila Anda tidak dapat hadir dan hendak memberikan tanda kasih kepada kami, dapat menggunakan fitur di bawah ini.
BANK BNI 1416795963 an. Stevano Dikkosandro Vessiano Kasenda
BANK BNI 1327879390 an. Cellin Priseillia Gabriela Wongkar
Dimohon untuk mengisi konfirmasi kehadiran di bawah ini.
Your presence and prayer will be the greatest wedding gift we could ever ask for. No other gifts are needed nor expected. However, if giving is a sign of love, we are happy to receive it and of course it will complement our happiness even more.
Please, fill the confirmation of attendance before July 24th, 2022.
RSVP-ing your Plus One is only for Husband & Wife. Otherwise, guests aren’t allowed to bring a date. We're hoping our guests to understand that no kids allowed in this wedding.
Thank you so much for understanding.
Kegembiraan kami akan semakin lengkap dengan kehadiran dan doa restu Anda
Tuhan Allah berfirman: ”Tidak baik, kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja. Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia.”
(Kejadian 2:18)
Health Protocol
For the safety and comfort of all guests. We respectfully request
you to follow the health protocols during the wedding in order to
avoid the transmition of covid-19